Both the quality and quantity of food together play an important role in the overall development of the body. What kind of and how much food you need depends on various factors such as age, sex, health, physical activities and a lot other. Most of us are concern about the quality of food but one should also consider the right portion of food. Yes, the size of the food matters a lot. As per studies, people eat more, when offered larger portions. If, you are trying to lose weight then, one must keep a keen eye on portion control. Portion control plays an important role in weight management. The quantity of food you put on your plate is basically a portion. Follow a proper food plan or a meal plan or healthy eating plan that should be proper in portion and quality. Many people who follow strict weight loss diet use measuring cups. This is the best way to maintain or lose some weight. How can one achieve portion control? Use plates small in size. Serve ...